Spaying Your Pet
What You Need to Know for a Safe and Affordable Procedure!
At Beach Avenue Animal Hospital we are proud to offer professional and affordable spaying surgery in Vancouver city. Not only are we this, but we are a small clinic where your phone call will be return in a matter of ...
Neutering Your Pet
What to Expect and Why It's Important!
Dental Cleaning – Keeping Your Pets Mouth Clean
The Importance of Dental Cleaning and What to Expect!
First-time Pet Owner Tips & Tricks!
Setting You and Your Furry Friend Up for Success!
New Parvovirus Outbreak: What Does That Mean for My Dog?
Is Your Dog Protected? Stay Informed and Keep Your Pet Safe!
How Can I Protect My Pet From Fleas and Ticks?
Protect Your Pet from Fleas and Ticks with One Simple Solution!
Defleaing your pet is one of the easiest thing you can do to help give your pet a happy life. Have you ever had headlice? You probably have. So you know how annoying and itchy they can get. This is ...
Say “Thank You!” during National Veterinary Technicians Week (Oct 17-23)
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Feel free to reach out if your beloved pet encounters any concerns. Beyond our duty, it’s our passion to assist. We embrace the honor of fulfilling our social mission, driven by love for pets.