Does Your Pet Have Allergies?
Is your furry friend constantly scratching or licking?
Does Your Pet Have Allergies? If you have an itchy, scratching dog or cat and think your pet might have allergies, you might be right. Dogs and cats can suffer from allergies, just like we do, but their symptoms tend ...
Cruciate Ligament Injury in Dogs: What You Should Know
Is your dog limping or showing signs of pain?
Why You Should Spay or Neuter Your Pet
Spay or Neuter: A Healthy Choice for Your Pet
String, Yarn, and Other Linear Foreign Objects Are Dangerous for Pets
The Dangers of Strings and Linear Foreign Objects
Arthritis in Dogs and Cats: a Painful, Common Disease
Understanding Arthritis in Dogs and Cats
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a painful, degenerative disease that causes inflammation in the joints, reduces pets’ ability to move or move easily, and lowers their quality of life. OA cannot be cured, but the disease can be slowed, especially if caught ...
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